Thursday, October 10, 2013

Short, Sweet, and Sweaty

I'm referring to interval running. I don't know about you but sometimes I just don't feel like going on a long run. I want to push myself for a short time, till I am ungodly sweaty, and be done with it. After my last half-marathon I was pretty spent on running, although I hate giving it up completely. So, I created something short and sweet (or sucky depending on your mood, ha). I believe in interval running, a large amount due to my soccer background. I like the challenge of being pushed for a 30 second sprint or a 2:00 minute tempo pace, and then allowing my body to recover. I get competitive with myself and challenge myself to a longer interval or a faster sprint. I am by no means an experienced runner or personal trainer but, I do like to run and train. If you're looking for something short and sweet, and gives you a good sweat try it out!  


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