Saturday, October 13, 2012

if you really knew me

If you really knew me....

You'd know peanut butter is my weakness

You'd know I feel most like myself when I'm with my friends in Colorado

You'd know I love wearing dresses, heals, and lipstick as much as I like wearing tennis shoes, tempos, and t-shirts.

You'd know I love making time in the mornings for big breakfasts

If you really knew me....

You'd know I like a lot of creamer in my coffee 

You'd know that on a hard day all I need is a a phone call from someone on my home team

You'd know that I feel most creative when I'm cooking

You'd know that sitting on patios and porches is one of my favorite things

If you really knew me....

You'd know that hosting a dinner party makes me feel fully alive

You'd know that my favorite show is the Bachelor

You'd know that Id rather be outside than inside every second of the day

You'd know that I love to write

If you really knew me....

You'd know that I constantly have to monitor confusing my dream land with reality and it gets me in trouble a lot

You'd know that Bittersweet is my favorite book and I reference it at least 5 times a week

You'd know that mornings are my favorite part of the day

You'd know that a healthy meal, a hard workout, and a great quiet time constitutes a successful day

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