Friday, January 25, 2013

Big Gulps Huh?

I'm boycotting a fitness post today to talk about life...Deal? Deal!

It officially been a month since moving from Kansas City to Colorado and I'm in freaking heaven. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being back. Its home and my community is here and despite all the fears and reservations I felt in Kansas before making the move back, I can honestly say it was crucial that I decided to get back here. Crucial for my head and for my heart.

Because of my excitement to be here I have literally hit the ground running. I've spent as much time as possible with my core and other close friends here, I've been skiing (headed up again today for the weekend), I have been to most of my favorite spots,  I've tried to run on all my favorite trails and at all my favorite parks, I've done new exploring, I've started dating the most incredible person ever and I have not slowed down for a hot second.

It was last night that I realized after 3 weeks of being sick and surviving on 5 hours of sleep every night that I am doing a pretty good job of GULPING down as much life as I possibly can instead of TASTING life and really enjoying the little things. This is my personality in general and something I will always struggle with I'm sure. Bachelor girls night? sure. Core four shoot? Absolutely. Ski date with my boyfriend! YES. Get me there. I tend to say yes to everything with no reservations and find myself overbooked and frazzled and tired yet happy. OH SO HAPPY, but my body needs me to slow down. My heart and head want to remember this season of life. I want to be completely present when I'm with people not counting down the hours on my fingers that I get to sleep before I have to wake up for my early morning pre-work workout. Life is good. Really good, but I want to remember it and feel it and do it a little more slowly. So thats what I'm goin for.

Step One: Slow down.
Step Two: No more big gulps, little sweet sips instead.
Step Three: Be present. Really present.

Thats all I've got for today friends. Here are some of my favorite moments since moving home a month ago.

He deserves a way better blog introduction, but here's Mr. Triple Threat himself. I really like him! 

Countless Braverman/Lobdell cups since I've been back. COUNTLESS! 

The mountains. I was dying to to get out there. We just happened to pick the most beautiful day to go.

Pre- Ski Morning Faces

Photoshoot with the core. We can't wait to get these pictures back and update the blog!! Stay posted.  
Such a history with these two beautiful women. 

Cooking date night. Recipe to come! 
New Years with my home team 

Nertz for days with these two.

Boulder trail blazin. Major wipe outs involved.  We needed our spikes. 
Sick. As usual. 

Spontaneous friend date to the Nuggets game

1 comment:

  1. Love your heart Kenzie girl! thanks for sharing! and I want to be a part of your small sips soon :)
